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Consolidation patterns made intervention patterns

On the slopes of Medellín, disagreeable urbanization and the nature conservation conflict accelerated. These processes are a direct consequence of the low capacity of the State to ensure access to housing for the new inhabitants who arrive in the city. The informal settlement “Manantiales de Paz” is an example of this type of confrontation. Upon arriving at Manantiales, I discovered a place that lacked the conditions of a dignified life such as drinking water, sanitation, access to education, security of tenure. Manantiales is a place where many had stories of displacement due to violence and people who had lost everything. Residents told me many moving stories about overcoming obstacles to get to where they are now. The objective of this project was to discover ways to contribute to improving the quality of life of these communities. What options are there to intervene in these informal areas that do not involve eliminating the people who inhabit them? How can I prevent these injustices from happening and create better possibilities for these communities?


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Plano estructura publica-01.png

Different sectors within the neighborhood


Existing mobility conditions

movilidad mit.png
movilidad mit 2.png

Proposal for new public spaces, housing and amenities

cancha plan-01.png
isometrico linea blanca.png
isometrico circulo.png

Work created with thesis partner Alejandra Morales 

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